About Metropolis
Metropolis brings together big cities to share solutions that improve metropolitan quality of life. We exist to help make metropolises more liveable. In a world where soon one in three people will live in metropolises, this means fostering tangible improvements for millions of human lives.
At the 14th Metropolis World Congress, we will be elevating the voice of cities to the world stage. Our membership is global– with over 140 across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America. By sharing this international expertise, we can make cities more liveable and prepare them for the future.
Contact the press office
Our press office helps journalists interested in Metropolis and the 14th Metropolis World Congress.

Marc Cinanni
Head of Communications
+34 659 717 019

Kaitlin Cockerham
Communications Officer
+34 669 972 916

Caitlin Law
Communications Officer
+34 603 545 039

World Metropolitan Day
Every 7 October, World Metropolitan Day commemorates the adoption of the Montreal Declaration on Metropolitan Areas by providing a global forum that brings together metropolises from all over the world to promote collective action to create resilience, advance social justice and develop better public services for all our urban spaces.
Delegates available for interview at the 14th Metropolitan World Congress
Please contact the Metropolis press office to arrange interviews with our delegates.

Adamá Sangaré
Maire du District de Bamako

Asmaa Rhlalou
Présidente de la Commune
de Rabat

Carolina Cosse
Intendenta de Montevideo

Claudia López
Alcaldesa de Bogotá
y presidenta de Metropolis

Daniel-Georges Courtois
Conseiller métropolitain
délégué aux Coopérations
et aux Relations territoriales,
Métropole du Grand Paris

Daniel Quintero Calle
Alcalde de Medellín

Mohammad Ramdhan Pomanto
Mayor, City of Makassar

Vincent N’cho
Vice Gouverneur,
District Autonome d’Abidjan

Cansel Çevikol Tuncer
Vice Mayor of Antalya
Metropolitan Municipality

Christina Suomi
Head of Spatial Planning
and Strategic Urban Planning,
City of Helsinki; Vice-President

Diana Rodríguez Franco
Secretary of Women’s Affairs,

Fabiana Goyeneche
Director of International
Relations, Municipality of Montevideo

Marta Suplicy
Municipal Secretary
of International Relations,
São Paulo

Carlos de Freitas
Executive Director, Global Fund
for Cities Development

Guangzhou Award
The Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation is co-sponsored by the City of Guangzhou, Metropolis and UCLG. It aims to recognize innovation in improving social, economic and environmental sustainability in cities and regions and, in so doing, to advance the prosperity and quality of life of their citizens.